Sunday, August 9, 2015


We got an aquarium!  It's something that we have been talking about for a long time and a few days ago we finally purchased one!  By scouring our local classifieds we were able to get a great deal on the tank, stand, equipment and decorations.  There were two filters but unfortunately neither were working when we put everything together. After some frustration we were able to get one to work, so we purchased another.  The two before didn't match and now they do! I do love matching! :)

 Sorting out all the parts and building

All set up and getting the water ready for fish

We decided to go with an aggressive tank mainly including African Cichlids.  Most are babies so they haven't shown their colors yet but when they do it will be a gorgeous rainbow!  I'm really pleased because it has finally given the odd end of the family room downstairs a purpose. It fits the space nicely; with a couch and side tables it will round out beautifully!

 One of the electric cichlids; they are beautiful
Behind him there is our sucker-fish.  He is such a lovely color

 Fish are in and its ready to go!

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