Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Basement Family Room

In our basement we have a blessing and a curse: it's our family room and it's enormous! I love that there is so much space down there but it also boggles my mind because you easily have enough space for a fifth bedroom in addition to the family room. But now that the supporting walls are in it would be quite the feat to accomplish.

The family room used to be wood paneled and wallpaper with carpet original to the house.  I decided to keep the paneling and paint it white.  I removed the wallpaper and painted the top half Pebble Gray.  It seems so easy writing about it but it. took. so. long!  I really feel, now that it's all finished, that this room is one of the biggest visual changes.
Down with the wallpaper!

 It took 3 coats.  1 coat of  Kilz primer and 2 coats of Glidden Pure White Semi-Gloss Paint+Primer

Glidden Pebble Gray is up!

I love the way it looks now!

Like a lot of people we are remodeling our home on a budget and that includes the decorating.  Everything that we have purchased for our house has been from a yard sale or severely discounted at the store.  It's great on my bank account but hard on my patience!  It paid off in this room.  We were able to snag the sectional for $40, all the wall decor for another $40, and the TV stand for $15!  

We use one half (the wider part) as a big TV area and reading nook.  And there's another half that is thinner; it has a fireplace at one end which is great but unfortunately it isn't wide enough for a couch set.  I'm still deciding how to arrange the seating area without it looking unnatural with the TV area directly behind.

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Finished rooms?! Is that a thing??

It's such a great feeling to have rooms finished! It's been Reno-zone for about a year now and to finally have rooms finished feels like a miracle! They have been partially done for a while but there's still the small things that bring everything together like new white outlets and switches, brushed nickel lights, painted doors, brushed nickel door knobs and hinges, etc.  all the things no one is really going to notice individually but they make the room seem cohesive and put together. 

Thankfully I can officially say that four rooms in our home are completely finished!! Three rooms upstairs and the basement family room. Four rooms! I can barely believe it... I keep going through my list of things for each room to see if I've forgotten something. Haha.

The basement family room has been its own special beast, so I'll save that for another post. But here are the bedrooms before and afters: 

 Kid's Room 1 Before
You can't really see the 40 year old dark brown carpet 
Kid's Room 1 After

 Kid's Room 2 Before
The Photo makes it look not too bad but what you don't see is the sea of mysterious stains on the carpet.
Kid's Room 2 After

 Master Bedroom Before
Again a sea of mysterious stains... 
Master Bedroom After

Yay for new clean carpet and freshly painted wall that aren't the same color as everything else in sight!  Walking into these rooms no longer makes me shudder. haha

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Oh Windowsills

One of my best ideas to date is the windowsill change.  I knew I didn't like what was there before but I didn't realize just how much until I changed them. haha.  Its a great feeling walking into a room and loving the change.  It has made a huge impact- far more than I anticipated.  

This was the kitchen before

All in all it was a pretty simple change.  All of our windowsills were an off-white tile. I would've been fine with them just in the kitchen or bathroom but nope. They were everywhere!  They didn't look horrible just out of place and boring.  We have these large 5 and 8 foot gorgeous windows throughout the main level that weren't being showcased.  

This was the kitchen after
(I haven't painted the kitchen yet)

I took some 3 inch trim and a piece of wide casing.  Once it was nailed, caulked and the corners were slightly sanded they looked great.   

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Living Room Flooring!

We did laminate flooring in the living room and hallway to replace the carpet that was there before.  The carpet was in very poor shape (it was falling apart as we were taking it out). 

 See what I mean??

We thought about doing hardwood floors but chose against it for two reasons; the first being that it is expensive and the second being that we liked how durable laminate is against doggy feet.  We didn't want out two dogs to ruin our new floors!  

We chose to go with Harmonics Flooring in Sunset Acadia. I was torn between this and a darker color for a while. We ultimately decided on the midtone for how large it makes the room look and how it compliments our peachy fireplace.  The flooring was pretty simple to install.  It snapped together well once I got the hang of it!

I was in such a rush to put the living room back together that I must've forgotten to take a picture of the floor completely finished.  Look for one in the Living Room Reno!  
Thanks for reading!


Upstairs Bathroom Redo

Our upstairs bathroom was an eyesore.  I can happily say WAS!  The bathroom has been one of the first things that I redid.  I couldn't stand the brown explosion that was in there. 

For this bathroom I wanted to do a beachy theme.  And I chose a blue for the walls that was bright enough to feel open but warm enough to make me forget it was ever brown!  I used Glidden Duo in Tropical Lagoon.  This house was completely painted in Almond colored paint and I mean completely: doors, trim, walls, etc.  This was one of the only rooms that had a color on the walls.  I was so pleased to see it go! 
I love it already


  Color Complete!

I wanted to update the oak cabinet as well and I chose to go with a driftwood look that I was able to accomplish with a Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation Kit in white.  I am really impressed with how well it has held up against daily wear and tear.  It was also fairly easy to use; the only frustration is having to wait for the glaze to dry but I'm just impatient! I decided to keep the medicine cabinet because I like having the extra storage. I really love how nicely it goes with the bathroom. I am so pleased with the results!
This is what it looked like afterwards...

To finish the bathroom I swapped out the gold door knobs and hinges with brushed nickle, changed the light fixture and the faucet with brushed nickle and added brushed nickle hardware to the cabinet.  The finished product was such a breath of fresh air from what we had previously! One of the greatest parts of this bathroom redo is that it was pretty inexpensive.  For everything the tab was just under $200!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Beginning


My name is Valerie and this is my blog!  My husband and I took a leap of faith and purchased our first home.  It was a definite change from the college apartment lifestyle we were more accustomed to. When your basement shower decides to flood you can’t exactly call maintenance and have them fix it for free (although I would have much preferred that). You mostly have to look at it in shock and horror and call a plumber, shell out the cash and clean up the stinky mess all while being thankful that it didn’t touch too much carpet!  

Our house is a 1978 beauty with all its 70s (and some 90s) charm.  The previous renters were pretty rough on the house (stained carpet, cracked Sheetrock and tile, the works, oh and don't forget the horrendous smell!).  But we are optimistic in the potential that it has!

Here is our lovely abode right before we moved to it in 2014:

I love to DIY! Which comes in handy with all the work we have to do!  This blog will highlight the ups, downs and turnarounds involved in our home renovation

Thanks for reading!
