Sunday, July 19, 2015

Oh Windowsills

One of my best ideas to date is the windowsill change.  I knew I didn't like what was there before but I didn't realize just how much until I changed them. haha.  Its a great feeling walking into a room and loving the change.  It has made a huge impact- far more than I anticipated.  

This was the kitchen before

All in all it was a pretty simple change.  All of our windowsills were an off-white tile. I would've been fine with them just in the kitchen or bathroom but nope. They were everywhere!  They didn't look horrible just out of place and boring.  We have these large 5 and 8 foot gorgeous windows throughout the main level that weren't being showcased.  

This was the kitchen after
(I haven't painted the kitchen yet)

I took some 3 inch trim and a piece of wide casing.  Once it was nailed, caulked and the corners were slightly sanded they looked great.   

Thanks for reading!


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