Sunday, July 19, 2015

Living Room Flooring!

We did laminate flooring in the living room and hallway to replace the carpet that was there before.  The carpet was in very poor shape (it was falling apart as we were taking it out). 

 See what I mean??

We thought about doing hardwood floors but chose against it for two reasons; the first being that it is expensive and the second being that we liked how durable laminate is against doggy feet.  We didn't want out two dogs to ruin our new floors!  

We chose to go with Harmonics Flooring in Sunset Acadia. I was torn between this and a darker color for a while. We ultimately decided on the midtone for how large it makes the room look and how it compliments our peachy fireplace.  The flooring was pretty simple to install.  It snapped together well once I got the hang of it!

I was in such a rush to put the living room back together that I must've forgotten to take a picture of the floor completely finished.  Look for one in the Living Room Reno!  
Thanks for reading!


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