Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Beginning


My name is Valerie and this is my blog!  My husband and I took a leap of faith and purchased our first home.  It was a definite change from the college apartment lifestyle we were more accustomed to. When your basement shower decides to flood you can’t exactly call maintenance and have them fix it for free (although I would have much preferred that). You mostly have to look at it in shock and horror and call a plumber, shell out the cash and clean up the stinky mess all while being thankful that it didn’t touch too much carpet!  

Our house is a 1978 beauty with all its 70s (and some 90s) charm.  The previous renters were pretty rough on the house (stained carpet, cracked Sheetrock and tile, the works, oh and don't forget the horrendous smell!).  But we are optimistic in the potential that it has!

Here is our lovely abode right before we moved to it in 2014:

I love to DIY! Which comes in handy with all the work we have to do!  This blog will highlight the ups, downs and turnarounds involved in our home renovation

Thanks for reading!


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