Monday, August 17, 2015

The Downstairs Bathroom (Part 1)

The downstairs bathroom has been a pain in the neck from day 1.  It was ugly but usable (so we thought) when we moved in. We later found out from a neighbor who had rented the house that the shower had leaked constantly.  Another lovely discovery that the previous owners "forgot" to tell us about... hooray for honesty!  

A week after we moved in there was a horrendous stench in the basement and for the life of me I didn't know what it was.  At this point it was just Spencer and I in the big empty house so we never (and I mean never) used the downstairs bathroom.  So I didn't think the smell could be from there because we hadn't ever used it.  Boy was I wrong!  The stench was because the drain had backed up, leaking kitchen sink contents all over the bathroom floor, laundry floor, storage room and a little in the bedroom.  It was shock and horror to say the least!  To temporarily fix it we had a plumber come and tare out the shower and cap the drain and then did some major scrubbing and carpet cleaning.
Here is what we were left with

We talked to a few different plumbers and tilers (for the shower pan) and the bids to do a shower bath combo or just a shower were actually pretty similar (within 200$).  For that amount we decided to do the bath and shower combo.  To prepare for plumber we had to take the walls back to studs, remove the tile and frame a wall so the unit would fit snug. 

 Tile removed!  I like to keep the work-space clean with buckets 
I use garbage bags as well but buckets are better for large pieces of tile... no rips :)

 Two walls finished (or unfinished haha)!

Wall is framed and ready for the shower unit

Thankfully the plumber came the very next day to get it installed. I love it already! Our bathroom downstairs has been a pain in the neck since the beginning and now it is almost fully functional and attractive it is a dream come true.  It was one of those projects that you want to do so badly but for one reason or another you couldn't get around to it.  More to come!

Thanks for reading

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