Monday, August 17, 2015

The Downstairs Bathroom (Part 2)

After the shower was installed there was still a lot to do in the bathroom.  So I began by patching the sheetrock.  I was able to get all my cuts out of one full piece of sheetrock (it was a personal win ha).  When I put up sheetrock like this I like to tackle the large pieces first and then build out ward to the smaller pieces.  It helps later on when you are mudding as well since the joins tend to be more even.

 Sheetrock is up!

 This is where there had been some water damage.  To patch this I removed all the bubbled areas and then scraped away any small debris.  And it was ready for mud and tape.

  First coat of mud is up

 The first layer I like to keep very thin.  Mainly to attach the tape for other coats.

 Second Coat
 Third Coat
Ready to sand! I like these hand sanders because they are so easy to use.

Thanks for Reading!


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